

Validation is an engine to validate HTML forms elements.


// Create a new Validation.
var validation = new ch.Validation(document.querySelector('.name-field'), [options]);
// Create a validation with with custom options.
var validation = new ch.Validation({
    'conditions': [
            'name': 'required',
            'message': 'Please, fill in this information.'
            'name': 'custom-email',
            'fn': function (value) { return value === ""; },
            'message': 'Use a valid e-mail such as'
    'offsetX': 0,
    'offsetY': 10,
    'side': 'bottom',
    'align': 'left'


  • el - HTMLElement : A HTMLElement to create an instance of ch.Validation.
  • options - Object : Options to customize an instance.
    • conditions - Array : A collection of conditions to validate.
      • name - String : The name of the condition.
      • message - String : The given error message to the condition.
      • fn - String : The method to validate a given condition.
    • reference - HTMLElement : It's a reference to position and size of element that will be considered to carry out the position.
    • side - String : The side option where the target element will be positioned. Default: "right".
    • align - String : The align options where the target element will be positioned. Default: "top".
    • offsetX - Number : Distance to displace the target horizontally. Default: 10.
    • offsetY - Number : Distance to displace the target vertically. Default: 0.
    • position - String : The type of positioning used. Default: "absolute".



.bubble Bubble

Is the little sign that popover showing the validation message. It's a Popover component, so you can change it's content, width or height and change its visibility state.

.Component#name String

The name of a component.

.conditions Object

The collection of conditions.

.error Object

The current error. If the validations has not error is "null".

.form form

Reference to a Form instance. If there isn't any, the Validation instance will create one.

.trigger HTMLElement

The validation trigger.

.uid Number

A unique id to identify the instance of a component.

.Validation#name String

The name of the component.




Returns a reference to the constructor function.



Destroys an instance of Component and remove its data from asociated element.

// Destroy a component
// Empty the component reference
component = undefined;

.disable() → {component}


Disables an instance of Component.

// Disabling an instance of Component.

.enable() → {component}


Enables an instance of Component.

// Enabling an instance of Component.

.require() → {component}


Adds functionality or abilities from other classes.

// You can require some abilitiest to use in your component.
// For example you should require the collpasible abitliy.
var component = new Component(element, options);

.disable(condition) → {validation}


Disables an instance of a validation or a specific condition.

  • condition - String : A given number of fold to disable.
// Disabling an instance of Validation.
// Disabling the "email" condition.

.enable(condition) → {validation}


Enables an instance of validation or a specific condition.

  • condition - String : A given number of fold to enable.
// Enabling an instance of Validation.
// Enabling the "max" condition.

.refreshPosition() → {validation}


Sets or gets positioning configuration. Use it without arguments to get actual configuration. Pass an argument to define a new positioning configuration.

// Change validaton bubble's position.
    offsetY: -10,
    side: 'top',
    align: 'left'

.clear() → {validation}


Clear active error.

// Clear active error.



Returns a reference to the constructor function.



Destroys a Validation instance.

// Destroying an instance of Validation.

.hasError() → {Boolean}


Checks if the validation has got errors but it doesn't show bubbles.

// Checks if a validation has errors and do something.
if (validation.hasError()) {
    // Some code here!

.isShown() → {Boolean}


Indicates if the validation is shown.

// Execute a function if the validation is shown.
if (validation.isShown()) {

.message() → {validation|String}


Sets or gets messages to specifics conditions.

// Gets a message from a condition
// Sets a new message
validation.message('required', 'New message for required validation');

.validate() → {validation}


Validates the value of $el.




It emits an event when a validation is cleaned.

// Subscribe to "clear" event.
validation.on('clear', function () {
    // Some code here!



Emits when a component is destroyed.

// Subscribe to "destroy" event.
component.on('destroy', function () {
    // Some code here!



Emits when a component is disable.

// Subscribe to "disable" event.
component.on('disable', function () {
    // Some code here!



Emits when a component is enabled.

// Subscribe to "enable" event.
component.on('enable', function () {
    // Some code here!



It emits an error event when a validation got an error.

// Subscribe to "error" event.
validation.on('error', function (errors) {



Event emitted when the component is ready to use.

// Subscribe to "ready" event.
validation.on('ready', function () {
    // Some code here!



It emits an event when a validation hasn't got an error.

// Subscribe to "success" event.
validation.on("submit",function () {
    // Some code here!