

Datepicker lets you select dates.


// Create a new Datepicker.
var datepicker = new ch.Datepicker([selector], [options]);
// Create a new Datepicker with custom options.
var datepicker = new ch.Datepicker({
    "format": "MM/DD/YYYY",
    "selected": "2011/12/25",
    "from": "2010/12/25",
    "to": "2012/12/25",
    "monthsNames": ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
    "weekdays": ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Thu", "Fr", "Sa"]


  • el - HTMLElement : A HTMLElement to create an instance of ch.Datepicker.
  • options - Object : Options to customize an instance.
    • format - String : Sets the date format. Default: "DD/MM/YYYY".
    • selected - String : Sets a date that should be selected by default. Default: "today".
    • from - String : Set a minimum selectable date. The format of the given date should be "YYYY/MM/DD".
    • to - String : Set a maximum selectable date. The format of the given date should be "YYYY/MM/DD".
    • monthsNames - Array : A collection of months names. Default: ["Enero", ... , "Diciembre"].
    • weekdays - Array : A collection of weekdays. Default: ["Dom", ... , "Sab"].
    • hiddenby - Boolean : Determines how to hide the component. You must use: "button", "pointers", "pointerleave", "all" or "none". Default: "pointers".
    • context - HTMLElement : It's a reference to position and size of element that will be considered to carry out the position.
    • side - String : The side option where the target element will be positioned. You must use: "left", "right", "top", "bottom" or "center". Default: "bottom".
    • align - String : The align options where the target element will be positioned. You must use: "left", "right", "top", "bottom" or "center". Default: "center".
    • offsetX - Number : Distance to displace the target horizontally.
    • offsetY - Number : Distance to displace the target vertically.
    • position - String : The type of positioning used. You must use: "absolute" or "fixed". Default: "absolute".



.Component#name String

The name of a component.

.Datepicker#name String

The name of the component.

// You can reach the associated instance.
var datepicker = $(selector).data('datepicker');

.field HTMLElement

The datepicker input field.

.trigger HTMLElement

The datepicker trigger.

.uid Number

A unique id to identify the instance of a component.




Returns a reference to the constructor function.



Destroys an instance of Component and remove its data from asociated element.

// Destroy a component
// Empty the component reference
component = undefined;

.disable() → {component}


Disables an instance of Component.

// Disabling an instance of Component.

.enable() → {component}


Enables an instance of Component.

// Enabling an instance of Component.

.require() → {component}


Adds functionality or abilities from other classes.

// You can require some abilitiest to use in your component.
// For example you should require the collpasible abitliy.
var component = new Component(element, options);



Returns a reference to the constructor function.



Destroys a Datepicker instance.

// Destroying an instance of Datepicker.

.getToday() → {String}


Returns date of today

// Get the date of today.
var today = datepicker.getToday();

.hide() → {datepicker}


Hides the datepicker.

// Shows a datepicker.

.nextMonth() → {datepicker}


Moves to the next month.

// Moves to the next month.

.nextYear() → {datepicker}


Move to the next year.

// Moves to the next year.

.prevMonth() → {datepicker}


Move to the previous month.

// Moves to the prev month.

.prevYear() → {datepicker}


Move to the previous year.

// Moves to the prev year.

.reset() → {datepicker}


Reset the Datepicker to date of today

// Resset the datepicker

.select(date) → {datepicker|String}


Selects a specific date or returns the selected date.

  • date - String : A given date to select. The format of the given date should be "YYYY/MM/DD".
// Returns the selected date.;
// Select a specific date.'2014/05/28');

.setFrom(date) → {datepicker}


Set a minimum selectable date.

  • date - String : A given date to set as minimum selectable date. The format of the given date should be "YYYY/MM/DD".
// Set a minimum selectable date.

.setTo(date) → {datepicker}


Set a maximum selectable date.

  • date - String : A given date to set as maximum selectable date. The format of the given date should be "YYYY/MM/DD".
// Set a maximum selectable date.

.show() → {datepicker}


Shows the datepicker.

// Shows a datepicker.;




Emits when a component is destroyed.

// Subscribe to "destroy" event.
component.on('destroy', function () {
    // Some code here!



Emits when a component is disable.

// Subscribe to "disable" event.
component.on('disable', function () {
    // Some code here!



Emits when a component is enabled.

// Subscribe to "enable" event.
component.on('enable', function () {
    // Some code here!



Event emitted when a datepicker is hidden.

// Subscribe to "hide" event.
datepicker.on('hide', function () {
    // Some code here!



Event emitted when a next month is shown.

// Subscribe to "nextmonth" event.
datepicker.on('nextmonth', function () {
    // Some code here!



Event emitted when a next year is shown.

// Subscribe to "nextyear" event.
datepicker.on('nextyear', function () {
    // Some code here!



Event emitted when a previous month is shown.

// Subscribe to "prevmonth" event.
datepicker.on('prevmonth', function () {
    // Some code here!



Event emitted when a previous year is shown.

// Subscribe to "prevyear" event.
datepicker.on('prevyear', function () {
    // Some code here!



Event emitted when the component is ready to use.

// Subscribe to "ready" event.
datepicker.on('ready', function () {
    // Some code here!



Event emitter when the datepicker is reseted.

// Subscribe to "reset" event.
datepicker.on('reset', function () {
    // Some code here!



Event emitted when a date is selected.

// Subscribe to "select" event.
datepicker.on('select', function () {
    // Some code here!



Event emitted when a datepicker is shown.

// Subscribe to "show" event.
datepicker.on('show', function () {
    // Some code here!